Saturday, September 5, 2009

Awesome Summer I: Seasonal Cooking

What with the holiday weekend sort of informally signifying the end of summer (for SOME of you. Till we can get our high temps under 85, fall is just a dream to me), I would share with you a few things that I learned this summer which have made it one of the best summers ever.

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Blackberry Tiny Pies

some blackberries
some sugar (about 1/3c)
some flour (about 1/8c)
a roll of crescent roll dough

To Make:
combine flour, sugar, and blackberries.
roll out the crescent dough
spoon berries onto dough
fold dough over and seal (with a fork or your cool Press N Seal if you have one)
bake according to directions on cresent roll package
serve with ice cream, topped with leftover berries

1 comment:

crimsoncat05 said...

yumm! found you thru the Voodoo Cafe; your dog is the cutest! (and I definitely agree- the wet dog smell is truly worth it, for what our dogs give us.)