Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hold Me.


Um, someone tell me just WHERE the last 3 weeks have gone? Where are they? I intended to fill my time with finishing gifts, buying gifts, mailing gifts, etc. Somehow there has been very little of that and I have a lacy cowl, some felty slippers, and some handwarmers to finish in the next week. I also have more baking to do, more shopping, some sewing, and OH GEEZ the mailing.

Hold me.

I am so aggravated with myself. I have no clue what I have done with the time that I have had. Oh wait, I do know- I have been doggedly job hunting. But still. I had a schedule, people! A SCHEDULE! I don't know where I went wrong. Oh for shame. Woe is me.

Wait, I do know where I went wrong. First it started with this one pair of damned stupid fingerless mitts. Somehow or another I managed to not only ignore gauge, but i used about 4 sizes bigger than the recommended needle. Then I proceeded to make the most beautiful mitt in all the land- in a size only Shrek could wear. So that recipient is getting an IOU for her gift, and she's okay with that. Then I guess I went out frantically shopping for INTERVIEW CLOTHES (because I had one, yay!) Then after that I dealt with a glimmer of hope on the work front, some car drama, a fabulous holiday horror movie, and now here we are: 8 days and counting, and not nearly done.

Hold me.


Sooze said...

Only if you hold me back. Please?
I too am freaking out. Had to frog like a foot of scarf I'm making for a friend that needs to be in the mail like yesterday. *sigh*
Next year I begin in June.

Holly said...

omg me TOO sooze! It's the projects that i am under the gun on that always give me the most trouble.