Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Randomness

and a pic free post, sadly.

As with all things, of course the cable/internet hookup situation didn't go as well as hoped. So there are no pics this time, but hopefully tonight there will be. Keep your fingers crossed.

The final frontier is my room, the girl cave. It's untouched, and totally daunting and frightening to me. But it's my goal for the week. That, and not killing any of my animals.

Speaking of, this weekend, BF secured his place in my heart for always. As if he hadn't already done that- he did a very wonderful thing. After we sort of forgot that we had an indoor only cat, we opened the french doors in the back and enjoyed the nice hint of fall we had going on(soon to be back in the upper 80's again, hmph). Then I was on the deck and noticed Charlie in the bushes! I went to go scoop him up and he crawled through a hole Maya made in the lattice on the deck (double hmph) and straight under the house! All it took was a little chin quivering, and BF was under the house with a flashlight, and then crawled on his belly out from under the house, along with a very dirty little cat. Victory! I do love that man.

Today I have a meeting. At a gym. Where I will likely be joining. I am excited and nervous. I know that I need exercise, and way more than I currently get. But I am scared! I am SO out of shape I am afraid I won't be able to keep up in the classes. What if I fart in yoga class?

And lastly, some sad news. I won't be making it to see Regina Spektor in Atlanta. Sigh. I'm so sad about that.

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