Thursday, October 15, 2009

Think Good Thoughts

As I type this, Lilly, The Resident Dodo Bird, is under the knife.

She is being spayed today. I have nothing but confidence in our vet, but the BF- he is a mess. This morning before she and I left for the vet's, he demanded that I bring her into the bathroom (while he was showering) so he could give her a kiss goodbye.

Please think good thoughts, while I am overcome with relief that this will be over and done with, and all without having to deal with another Doggie Period (oh my god SO GROSS) or worse- a litter of unwanted puppies.

Is now a good time to mention that she showed up at the doctor's in her Bee Costume? BF said it would make her feel brave. I don't know who is cuter, him or her.


froghair said...

I demand a picture of Lilly in said Bee Costume!

Holly said...

you got it! she wore her antennae on the way there, and they stayed on while she stuck her head out the window! i am surprised we didn't cause a wreck!

froghair said...

oh, and also... ***good thoughts for lilly!!***