Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sewing Fail

Listening to music is really always fun. But since I am kicking soooooooo much ass on the Things To Make bookmark folder, I thought, "Why stop?" So I didn't. And here you have it- my ipod cover, made following, you guessed it, this tutorial. Except for one thing. I failed to pay attention when I measured, and then I did okay, but I forgot to sew in half of the ribbon. Well that ended up not mattering because I forgot that the sides needed to be able to meet. They just weren't big enough.

No big deal. I still have enough fabric to do make another, and the felt was super cheap at the fabric store down the road. and so I try again another day. Live and learn. the good thing is that I am over my fear of sewing fail. I now embrace it, and encourage you to do the same.

Behold, my fail iPod pouchy thing:
the weird thing holding the pocket down is a mouse shaped laser pointer thing. It is for the cat to play with. He must chase it 15 minutes a day- he is F-A-T. That is fine with me, and I find it cute. But he's also not getting enough exercise, and that is bad. He's also bored, and taking to licking the fur off his tummy. Also bad. Anyway, that's what that is, so no need to be alarmed there.

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