Friday, January 9, 2009

Either a Resolution Kept or a Potentially GREAT Story


Remember how I said that one of my resolutions this year was to get involved in causes I believe in?

The universe is funny sometimes, with the way it can just hand things to you. I checked in my email the other day, and in it was an invitation to attend a training session to be a Congressional Advocate. Sounds fancy, no? Well, it's sponsored (I think that's accurate) by, and will be held at an organizer (Community Organizer?)'s home. The intent is to educate us on being grassroots advocates for Obama's new policies, and teach us to effectively talk with our state Congresspeople about his policies and encourage them to help quickly enact his plans for the country. There will be snacks. I do not mind admitting the fact that snacks were a factor of me RSVP'ing that yes, yes I would be in attendance.

I had some reservations at first, but now- I'm excited! I am not usually a Joiner, and I never have been. I was not in clubs in high school (except for ones that required no real involvement but could go on a college application, like Latin Club), and I am not in clubs now. I don't do Societies, Associations, Councils, Fellowships, Groups, Teams, and Alliances. I've always preferred to do things my way- All Alone and On My Own. But I realize that doesn't work at all with the direction in which I feel that this country should be headed. In order to get anywhere, people have to get together, and I think that the time is now for that. I also thought it was sort of useless, being here in The South. I live in the buckle of the Bible Belt. My state is often in the news for very embarrassing things, and our representation is composed entirely of Good Ole Boys. Sigh. So, while I doubt that anything that a Congressional Advocate would have to say would change their minds, why not try? They need to hear it now more than ever, and trying always has a better chance of success than not trying.

And, there's the snacks.

I figure at worst case scenario, this is a goldmine for blog fodder. Where else do you get material for good stories? Okay fine, I am a magnet for them just by virtue of being...well, of being me. But still, going out amongst the unwashed masses to sit in a Total Stranger's home and eat snacks made by other Total Strangers and talk politics. People, there's gold in them thar hills.

So- that's on Sunday, I will be working at The Shelter again tomorrow (I checked the website- Schroeder is still there. Uh oh.), and (hopefully) filling in the gaps with a heap of sewing and other stuff.

If I don't post again, it's because the MoveOn people tricked me, and they're really a cult and dressed me in a Snuggie and made me eat a live chicken and drink some nice kool-aid or something. In that case, send for help.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you will like it and you will get involved. It's a good thing.