Sunday, March 1, 2009

Confessional Sunday #2- I Am But A Slave to Pretty Things

I fell off the wagon. Hard.

I could give you the reasons leading up to it, tell you about the Woe To Me-ness that I felt prior to my fall from non-shopping grace. I could tell you why it's my duty as an American citizen to buy what I don't need (I think "need" is a relative term when used in conjunction with any sort of art of craft supply, but that's just me.) in the hopes of stimulating the economy, or perhaps I could tell you to shut up and go away and stop judging me. But I won't.

I fell off the wagon and it felt so good. If it's wrong, I don't want to be right. Which is a good thing, because it was totally wrong. And here's what it is:

6 skeins of sock yarn
Like 5 different sized sets of DPNs because they were on sale. and also because I needed them. I really did, I promise. Again with the relativity of the word "need."

I also bought what equates to something like 4 yards of fabric. Now this was totally not all my fault. It might be a Fat Quarter Pack, and maybe I was feeling really inspired since Fat Quarter Month ended over at Sew, Mama, Sew! and I really felt like a small re-do of my kitchen would be lots of fun for spring. And it will be, I know it.

Then there was the ball winder. I am not sure it counts at all, since it's not really a supply, just sort of a...thing. What was I supposed to do? Stupid Joanns and their stupid 40% off coupons. Enablers, that's what they are. I needed it for my sock yarn and I am sort of sorry, but mostly just excited.



Sooze said...

Yeah. I fell off the wagon too.

What's an avid crafter to do when Tall Mouse is having a 28% off your ENTIRE purchase sale?

In my defense?

I NEEDED the fabric so I could make the project from patterns I already had, but hadn't bought fabric for because it wasn't on sale.


Anonymous said...

Oh, a ball winder. That is how you know you are a knitter for life now. Isn't it fun?

Holly said...

Sooze- I totally understand. The word "need" is so often misunderstood. I know what it's like to need fabric.

Tutu- I haven't gotten it yet! I wanted one for a while, but I held off and held off till I knew i couldn't manage sock yarn without it and then there was the 40% off coupon. How could I have said no?