Thursday, June 26, 2008

When the Going Gets Tough

the tough go window shopping on Etsy.

I am so bored at work today. I have very little to do, and although I should be doing it, I just don't want to. Recent (and hopefully temporary) changes at work have morale somewhere down around none whatsoever for me. So, on a beautiful and hot summer day I would rather be either at the pool in my new swimmy suit, or hiding in the AC under a pile of wool. Anyway, when I feel like I hate everything and want to projectile vomit on someone, I just go to The Magic That Is Etsy and just window shopping cheers me right up. Anyway, I have always been a fan of all things handmade (except for cozies for things- I think that is strange, oh and doilies too) I obviously spend a lot of time looking at the handspun, hand dyed, beautiful yarn. Cue the cheesy 70's porn music please!

That beautiful pic is from jocelyngermany's shop and her beautiful hand painted recycled yarn. Good for her! I just think her yarn is beautiful and I love that it was once an ugly sweater that has been upcycled. I want!

::in best Homer Simpson voice::MMMM. Yaaaaaaaarn. From WildFireFibres' Shop.

And finally, some handspun yarn, because it is soft, squishy, irregular, and beautiful and I love love love it. This seller, HandSpunandDyedToo, is one of my faves and I adore her yarn. I can't wait to get some of it. It's beautiful and whatever I make I am sure I will be the only one that deserves it. Yum.

I feel better now.

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