Saturday, January 17, 2009

Right Now

a huge pot of chili. the most exciting thing about this chili is that it is made with sirloin tips, zucchini, and a can of Guinness (among other things). Delicious.

More chai tea. And the verdict is in. I think that soon I will make another batch, this time with white tea. Then I'd like to mix the two together. I like the black and white tea based versions equally, but for different reasons. I think too much about tea.

For certainty, peace, and improvement. The first one is probably an illusion but having a bit could make me eat less Tums. You could should a cannon at my leg and the cannon ball would bounce right off it, I'm sure. That's how fortified I am with calcium. Also, hoping that the fan in my computer holds out, and BF hurries up and sends me the extra hard drive and RAM so I can spiffy this computer up. It's got oogie boogies in it, and it's high time they got out.

a Banana Republic Knockoff Hat(it's going to work this time, I know it) and a Prismatic Scarf, which I am enjoying so much it's hard to put it down. I love that.

a checkbook cover, a quilted rug for the kitchen, and some throw pillows, oh and some rice heating pads- all in various stages of completion.

:Stewing On:
my word for the year, Kerry's post, and something I hope is a heart's whisper and not just a bug up my ass. Also, hand sewing. I did a smidgen of it last week while finishing a project, and I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did.

:Waiting For:
the triumphant return of the best show EVER, Lost. It appears that the premiere will actually be TWO episodes. I can't wait to crack out on the pure genius that is this show. Also, some packages. I cracked under the pressure of fiscal conservation and bought some happies. Hurry up!

^^I love this pic, and I just think it's so odd. I took it at a Bojangles in Columbia, SC. It distrubs me because Bojangles is a chicken-n-biscuits place and the chicken is holding a sandwich- likely a chicken sandwich. Why? Is he a cannibal? A sell-out? I'm both lost and sad, but not enough to not get some chicken and biscuits there from time to time.

Have a Bo-rrific (I just noticed the misspelling of the made up word, and I want to drive there and repaint it in the night. It should be Bo- riffic, dammit!) Day.

1 comment:

sweetcheese said...

Can you share the chili recipe? That sounds delicious.