Friday, January 30, 2009

Separation Anxiety, Threat Level Yellow.

That's yellow as in the color of pee.

We are having some problems here at the House of Stupid = Awesome.

As you know, Maya can't go to work with me anymore. She doesn't like that one little bit. So dislikes it so much so in fact, that she has started to pee in her crate. Every. Single. Day.

First she was fine. She could even hold it all day and I would come home and let her out of her crate, we'd go on a nice long...drag, where I would drag her along behind me. Then we'd sack out on the couch and all would be well.

Then the peeing started. I thought it was that she was not able to hold her pee, so I started coming home at lunch. She likes the time we spend outside during lunch, and yet still continued to pee in the afternoons. Now, it's escalated to even peeing when she is left alone for half days. It's because she doesn't like me being away from her, which is very sweet. It makes me feel loved, yet very very stressed.

So, in the spirit of things tearing me away from what I want to be doing, we are headed to the vet this afternoon. She needs her yearly shots and such anyway, so let's kill two birds with one pee-soaked stone and go talk to the vet about how to help her. We're also looking into doggie day care (which is incredibly expensive) and just trying to read all we can about conditioning her out of this. I'm also having to focus my energy on NOT focusing my energy on resenting the fact that she is no longer allowed to come to work with me. I realize that I can't do anything about that and therefore dwelling on it isn't going to help me or my poor little basket case dog.

She's too destructive to be out of her crate when no one is home, and she's not happy when no one is home. Otherwise, she loves her crate and frequently goes in there to just hang out. I'm kind of at a loss here, although I would like to not be. I would like to have A Plan, because Having A Plan always makes me feel better.

Oy, this dog.


Bernie Berlin said...

Sent me your way:) One of my favorite authors & of course I have all her books, they have worked for me is Patricia McConnell.

She has one book on anxiety called I'll be home soon. I think it's about eight bucks.
I feel your pain & have had many with separation anxiety. I would of course first rule out any type of urinary condition. Rescue Remedy, positive reinforcement, sometimes dog pheromones are a few of the things I use.
Here is a link to that as well:

Good luck, keep thinking positive & if you need me, feel free to contact me:)
Blessings to you,

Holly said...

thanks so much Bernie! Excellent advice, and I will look into these books right away.

and Ricë, thanks for sending Bernie here!

Ricë said...

you're welcome, sweetie--i figure if anyone in the world knows rescue dogs, it's bernie.