I am back, having just dropped BF off at the airport an hour or so ago. The fits of body-shaking, snot-gushing, tear-filled sobs seem to have stopped for the time being, so I figured I should get something out of the Happy Time (it comes and goes in waves, the whole me being able to function or wailing and moaning and clutching some unfortunate cat or dog and wiping my face in their fur. Cute, I know.). So anyway, New Years was wonderful and just what I wanted it to be- full of great food, music, friends, and lots of good wishes and high hopes for an awesome 2009.
We saw the Derek Trucks and Susan Tedeschi Soul Stew Revival at the Fabulous Fox and it was fantastic. Our seats were GREAT, and the theater is one of those places that enhances the show you are seeing just by virtue of being a Real Life Theater- it's the Fabulous Fox, not the Verizon Wireless This or the Pepsi That, and is it just felt special. Did you know that it was the location of the first ever showing of Gone With the Wind? It was. And also, my Girl Crush on Susan Tedeschi has grown even bigger. She has an amazing voice, can rock the blues guitar, and has shiny hair. Sigh. And before too long, it was midnight and BF and I were celebrating our anniversary and a new year. I love that two very important celebrations in my life are marked at the exact same moment. That makes me smile.
Anyway- before I have to run off and wipe my face on the cat, let's talk resolutions.
I know that some people hate them. And after reading all sorts of blog posts- some people have lists a mile long, others don't bother with them at all and get sort of resentful about them. Resolutions are important- whether they are yearly, monthly, whatever- it's important to just try. You can insert lots of clever quotes here said by people far more eloquent and accomplished than I, but they all say the same thing. Just fucking try, ok? I mean, yeah I will probably not succeed with a lot of mine. But hey, in the time in which I am trying I am being better than if I just sat on the couch eating chips, accepting the status quo for another 365 days. And if one resolution is a total failure- it will most likely be because I was chasing the wrong thing, and it gave way to something better. That's alright, don't you think. Just trying is good.
So here's my list (even though I told you last week that I wouldn't be posting it. I changed my mind, and I can do that.)
- Embrace change, and accept it as part of life.
- Share all the good tidings and crap I hate during the holidays all year long.
- Be involved in and vocal about things I believe in. Write congressmen, give of time and money, and generally stand up for what I think is right.
- Practice contentment, and stop comparing myself to others. Enjoy and be happy with what is right now.
- Eat better, and love cooking again
- Buy locally, handmade, or from companies with a conscience, making my money do more good than for just me and Wal*Fart.
- Learn something new
- Regularly send cards, letters, and notes in the mail, because it's nice and makes people feel good.
- Take a class. I am pretty proud of my ability to teach myself things with the help of books or the internet, but learning in a group is pretty cool especially when creativity and enthusiasm are contagious. Right now I am considering yoga, pottery, or Italian. Or cooking.
- Travel more
- Manage time better, and stop procrastinating by playing on the internet.
- Write more- and not just about botched or barely completed projects. I learned this year that I sort of like it, and people seem to find it amusing so I'd like to do more of it. But I won't take a writing class. Pottery sounds like more fun, and Italian too.
- Free myself from materialistic/compulsive hoarding tendencies. I would like to learn to trade More for Better or Special. I think that I could apply this to every single thing I purchase.
Wonderful post Holly!
Very inspiring. I have not made a resolution list, so I may just use yours.
And yes, trying is better than not trying, it's all you can do, and if you succeed, then all the better!
Happy Anniversary!!!
HEY... did you get my gift yet? It is gonna help with one of those things on your list.
Feel free to use my resolutions Nancy! Or even just try them out. :)
Kerry- I have been unable to check my mail because Boys Don't Listen. Stupid head broke off my mailbox key in my front door lock! Him: which key is it? Me: the silver one. Him: The gold one? Me: No, the silver one. the ONLY silver one! Him: Uh oh. What does the little gold one go to?
I still love him.
Oh and Kerry- is it a cookbook in your package? An Italian-English dictionary? A book of stamps? Heehee, I can't wait!
absolutely: it's about Trying.
and, by the way, i've been gritching, going, "where the hell IS she, anyway?" because you DO Write Funny; and no, you should NOT take a writing class. it will only serve to hobble you. most people who teach writing have no fucking clue.
yes, you should take yoga. it's wonderful. you might have to shop around for a teacher you like, but that's ok--you'll learn a lot about yourself and about yoga in the process.
and that's about enough advice from me. jesus.
LOL... stupid boys. When are you going to get a new key?
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