Friday, February 27, 2009


Well, here it is almost a week since I posted. And lord knows I have not been good about showing what I am up to.

But I have an excuse.

My power supply fan is about to shit the bed completely. You should hear this thing wheezing, groaning, and huffing and puffing along while I am on the computer. It's dreadful and there are times where I think that the computer may just completely lift off- not kidding. So yes, I know that it is a terrible reason, but I have been delaying the inevitable by simply not even turning it on. This is just to buy me some time till my Personal Computer Geek (BF luckily) orders me a new fan, tells me how to install it, and so on. Oddly enough, a by product of this unfortunate computer situation is that suddenly my free time to actually make things seems to have tripled.

A sad by-product of this is that I forget to tell you awesome things as they happen. Like the other day, i think it was yesterday but it could have been the day before, Maya wagged her tail at me for the first time inside the house. There were no other dogs around, and we weren't playing, but I asked her if she wanted to go potty and she smiled and wagged her tail at me a few times. It was cute- I have had her almost a year and now she is finally starting to come around enough emotionally to communicate with me. Oh and in case you were wondering, Operation Anxiety is going very very well. We haven't had a bad crate report in weeks, I think. She still randomly does naughty things, but overall she is a much happier dog, and I am a much happier person. Thank you, Modern Medicine. And thank all of you for all the comments and advice and support.

So anyway, i am still here, all is well, the Use Me Up Challenge is going fantastically, and I am making things. I have lots of posts that I hope to work on in draft over the next week or so, and I hope to post them here and there so that this place isn't so...quiet. It's just not in my nature.

Oh and the final count for the neuter-a-thon: 165 cats! One hundred sixty three boys, one girl, and one boy-girl. All sterilized in roughly 5 hours by two vets, with no known complications at this time- everyone woke up, no one has come back for infections or problems with their incisions, etc. So I guess you could call it an overwhelming success. I can't wait till the next one.

That's really all the news that's fit to print, at least until I make the Mother of All Confessions this week. I fell off the wagon, and hard.


Sooze said...

Uh. You bought something, didn't you. :)

Anonymous said...

At least you were on the wagon . . I can't seem to get on.
Yea about Maya, she has got to feel better too.