I took this picture this morning on the way to work- this is what I see when I look in my rearview mirror. My little shadow. She's always there, and time in the car isn't so bad with her around.
How funny that I took this picture today, just a few hours before I got a very potentially exciting call.
The lady from the shelter where I adopted Maya called. She wanted to let me know that our City Paper (one of the free weekly papers- focused on entertainment, opinions and general local goings on) is doing either a pet edition, or they have a smaller publication focused on pets- I can't remember which. Anyhow, they pick 2 adopted cats and 2 adopted dogs to profile for their pieces on adoption success stories. Anyway, Maya and I have been nominated! We are still, I think, in the running with 4 other dogs to get two spots. If we are chosen, then we have an interview and get our picture taken and put in the paper! Needless to say I am kind of excited. It feels like validation sort of, being considered a "success story."
I will be sure to keep you guys updated. Sorry I am not more enthusiastic or detailed, but I wasn't really listening to the Shelter Lady, and I also ate too much dinner and the truth is, I feel like I am gonna explode.
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