Thursday, July 31, 2008

How About Orange, What Have You Done To Me?

First of all, have you guys ever seen How About Orange? It is my new favorite blog of all blogs. I have a favorites list of about 20 or so blogs that I check out almost every day. They are usually all some variation of just art, or just life, but mostly a mix of the two. I love the glimpses into other people's homes and lives mixed in with stuff that inspires me and makes me want to own something new and shiny.

Anyway, I stumbled across this little gem of a DIY/style blog and didn't get much done at work for like two whole days. that's not new, but now i have someone to blame it on, and I am not wasting the chance. Anyway, one of the things that I love about her DIY projects is that they involved fixing up stuff you already have, or they are just plain easy and very very cute. And just in time for me to work on fixing up my second bedroom/art room/ office!

And to prove that everything is super cheap and cute (and fortunately going to work perfectly with my upcycling endeavors, above is the spoils of last night's trip to Wal-Mart. Well, there was also some candy and kitty litter, but no sense sharing those with you. The stuff above, combined with some stuff I already have here and will need to finish should produce:
  • a makeover for a dresser
  • tiny notepads
  • a bulletin board face lift
  • recycled wall art for my bedroom
  • handmade greeting cards
Not bad for $17, huh?

post script: I published these in somewhat the wrong order. the bulletin board makeover has already taken place, as you no doubt noticed in the post below. Oopsie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds awesome!

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