Thursday, July 3, 2008


well I can't believe the weekend has come and gone like this. Actually I can, and i am sort of relieved at this point. I am very happy to have this somewhat nightmarish three days put behind me.

On the knitting front, this weekend was a collosal failure. I worked on my calorimetry, and it really didn't go all that hot. I am currently about halfway done with it, and that is because I cast on like 4 times before I got it right. I wasn't really paying attention so I kept having to frog it and then start over. Boo. I really wanted to have it done so I could feel all productive. oh well. I didn't even touch my purse or my cable scarf at all this weekend either, because the calorimetry taunted me the whole time. stupid knitting.

Then yesterday, Maya almost ruined my weekend. She ATE my cell phone. Well she chewed it up real good, and ruined it. I flipped out and raced to the store to get a new phone, and paid full price for the bunkest phone they had- $189. UGH. Now I would ordinarily have been EXTREMELY PISSED about this, but I was also frantic. I already do not have quite as much cash as I would like to for this coming trip to Knoxville, and then take another $200 out of the equation, and ouch. Well! it occured to me last night (as I was sitting on the couch pouting and fretting) that I still had my old phone, the one that I upgraded from for no good reason other than I could! So, i took it back to the store today, got my money back, and now I am back on the clunky 3 year old silly red phone and I feel just fine about that. However, Maya learned a lesson about what happens when you chew up electronics. she is still a little scared of me, but I don't care. She's lucky I found that other phone or her ass would have been kicked to the curb.

So yeah, here it is Sunday night, I have half a calorimetry done, and one load of laundry. Gah, I suck. God bless America indeed. Maybe I will go work on the cable scarf or the purse or something for tomorrow's in progress shots.

1 comment:

nancyrosetta said...

You made me look up 'calorimetry', thanks.

I think I need one now.