Monday, September 8, 2008

Grocery Bags and Jury Duty

Well here it is 2pm on a Monday and I am updating the blog. Why is that you ask? Well today I had to do my civic duty- jury duty. Ick. It was actually sort of fun. I got there sort of on time and parked in the garage where I was told to park (a million miles away in the sweltering heat and humidity) and then reported to the court house. I went to go thru security, and they told me that my knitting was not allowed! It was on tiny little circs that could not have hurt a fly. Still, they said it had to go and there was no where I could check it. Thus, I walked back out into the heat and put it back in the car. there went my dreams of getting the French Market bag finished this week thanks to hours and hours of nothing to do but knit on it. I was so sad, but luckily there wasn't a whole lot of sitting around before they called roll and then started picking jurors for cases. I didn't get picked so I was on my way home by noon! Awesome! i still have to call back tonight to see if I am needed for tomorrow, and if I make it out of tomorrow's selections then I am home free for the next three years! I hope I don't get picked. I can't pay attention when things are boring, and I don't think that I would be helpful with a verdict if I wasn't really paying attention pretty much the whole time. ha.

I am actually sort of happy with the way these came out! I used this nifty little idea that I found via How About Orange and it was easy and fun. And now my grocery bags are not so plain and boring. And they have them for sale up at the front right as you walk in, so I have always worried that they would accuse me of stealing them (absurd I know) so now you can clearly tell that these bags are MINE. Now I want to potato stamp my whole house.

Well, even though I have a thousand million other things I should be doing, I think that I am in the mood to dye some yarn today. We'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

nancyrosetta said...

Holly, it's freakin awesome!
I have some boring green grocery bags that I use (except for the one my mom bought for me that has Homer with his pig on it). I am inspired to deck out my reusable bags now! Thanks!
You rock, and so does How About Orange, I have to check that out!