Monday, September 22, 2008

A Sign of the Times?

Okay first of all, please excuse the tone of this post. I promise not to be like this for too very long.

I won't bore you with all the details and how they all came about and so on and so forth because well, it's just boring. But I can tell you that having access to your company's books can be both a good and bad thing. It's a good thing because you can see trouble way off on the horizon. It's a bad thing becaus you can see trouble way off on the horizon.

I fear that because of a million different things including but not limited to this festering turd of an economy that I may not have a job sometime in the future. It would most likely be in the new year, simply because I think that things will be okay till November and then I think that The Powers That Be will make it be okay through the end of the year because they are good people. After that...

...who knows?

I foresee a downsizing after that. I foresee me being a likely candidate for that downsizing. One of my clients will be sold in the new year. Another that was supposed to be built next year is now back to the drawing board all the way back to the land to be bought for it. And I am paid why more than what I am worth in all honesty.

So here's what I have wrestled with today: how can I prepare for this? What can I cut back on that can free up more money to be stashed away in savings? What can I do now that will make it easier to possibly not have a job later?

With the economy the way it is right now, I have been lucky in that minor changes have allowed me to still live basically unaffected by it. I drive less, and try to be more mindful of the most efficient way to run errands so that I am not driving unnecessarily. I have cut way back on going out, and almost never go out to eat. I am thinking now of changing my cell phone plan, seeing about changing my car insurance (although that scares me) and getting my cable and internet cut off. Now THAT, friends, is scary.

Today is icky.


Anonymous said...

I wondered where you were yesterday. Can you get in touch with a "head hunter" to keep an eye open for jobs? I don't know what you do but hopefully there will be something down the road for a smart woman.
Be careful of the car insurance thing. Maybe get a roommate? Get rid of land line if you use your cell most of the time anyway. Then whatever you save from your cutbacks you must put it in savings.
My daughter had to do babysitting for a service (decent pay) on weekends to make end meet. You get tips too. If you are just doing nothing on the weekends maybe that would be something to bring in extra cash. The nice thing about the service is the families are all approved etc.

nancyrosetta said...

I hope you don't lose your job in the new year. That would be awful! But, in the meantime, you should definitely keep your eyes open for something else, especially since you are getting the feeling that you would be the first to go.
I'm sorry that you have to deal with this realization.

Get knitting and start on the craft show circuit! HA!