I mean it, there are pics of where I was brutally attacked by a knitting needle just inches below!
Look away!
I am serious; avert your eyes!
Sorry they are so grainy Nancy- I had to take the pics one handed with no flash- it just obscured the gruesomeness.
Behold, the entry wound:
Now is probably the time to mention, so that you don't get all worried about me. I am taking 875mg of Amoxicillin twice daily. I have no nerve damage (or so it would seem). I had a tetanus shot less than 10 years ago. I am soaking it in warm water (promotes circulation and healing, etc.), putting antibiotic cream on it, and keeping it bandaged when I am on my feet, and just generally watching it to be sure it isn't getting infected. Please refrain from regaling me with stories about when your granddad ignored the rusty nail in his foot and it nearly killed him. I know that I seem like I am being silly about it, because I am. It's funny. And really, what are the chances? But I am also taking good care of it and am fully aware of how quickly a puncture wound goes from blog fodder to gangrenous festering ickiness. It's swollen, sore, and bruised, but i can move it, feel every poke and prod and it's easily the cleanest foot in the whole state.
Aren't my crime scene bandaids cool?
It's also worth noting that I am considering myself the Chuck Norris of knitting now. It would totally fit, if only there were villains to stab with the needle after yanking it out of my foot. But no, just went back to work on the mitts, took some pics, watched the debate. All in a day's work.
Alright, first off...freaking awesome bandaid!
Secondly, I still don't know how you managed to impale yourself on a knitting needle.
Thirdly, let's hope it heals without all that gross gangrenous crap you spewed, that just gave me the heebeejeebees.
I'm glad you're okay!
Thanks Nancy! It is healing much better than I thought it would- already no more swelling at all, and other than were there is a bruised area, and the fact that one hole is on the bottom of my foot, it doesn't hurt anymore.
I have no idea how i did it either. It just happened so fast. I don't know.
I hold the bandaids responsible for the quick healing and general awesomeness of this story.
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