Friday, September 26, 2008

Everyone remain calm

Sorry for all the melodrama earlier this week.

I am much calmer now, and i think that I have been able to put things in perspective. I can turn all that stuff into lemonade, and i will. Knowing me, that means that while in the end I will have my lemonade, I will mess it up terribly at first and spill said lemonade all over the kitchen first, but I will still have it. Sorry, metaphors aren't really my thing.

Anyway, everything will be fine, whether the sky chooses to fall or not. I will be just fine, and this will be a chance to become even more committed to the things I love doing and blogging about: cooking in bulk in my soulmate, er, crockpot, DIY craziness, and upcycling, knitting, sewing, hanging out with the animals, and picking my nose. All are worthwhile endeavors IMO.

Also, not sure if I told you this or not, but on Wednesday I leave for TN to go visit Boyfriend. I will be meeting his ENTIRE family at his sister's wedding, and I am terribly nervous. Luckily I have some new clothes including but not limited to pants that fit, a party dress, and finally at long last some shoes and a purse. You would not believe the amount of shopping I have done to get here, people. It's appalling. Tomorrow is haircut and eyebrows. I am feeling good about this, but it has been time consuming and exhausting. Not to mention the kick in the lady bits that is shopping for clothes when you have gained weight and being forced to look at yourself in dressing room mirrors. Ouchie.

Long story short, I will be back now with funny stories (that are funny to no one but me), some knitted things (finally finished that French Market Bag!) and hopefully after all this wedding stuff dies down I can get back to crockpotting and sewing and what not.


nancyrosetta said...

Ah, there's my Holly!

A word of advice:
Don't pick your nose at the wedding. Keep that for private time :)

Anonymous said...

I think your stories are funny.

BeadWhisperer said...

Remain calm and carry on.

Perhaps a bit overused, but still useful words of wisdom.

Carry on.