Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oh Crock Pot, Where Have You Been All My Life?

Is it me, or do you hear a choir of angels singing when you see the pic of the newest love of my life?

Just me?


Well anyway, I discovered *this blog* which I have added to the sidebar over there for your perusal. It is fantastic. Basically it is one woman's committment to using her Crock Pot every day for a year, and I love her for this most holy of missions. Why the hell didn't I think of this during the midst of summer when it is hotter than the hinges on the back door to hell here and I am running the fricken oven and or stove all the damn time? What is the deal with that?

Anyway so far I have made the chicken nuggets and they were pretty good, and then- oh then last night I made the turkey meatballs and they are nothing short of divine. Sent from heaven, they are. I love love love love LOVE them!

Ballad about Crock Pot forthcoming.

Feel free to share any especially delicious crock pot recipes you have with me. I want to use it all the time now.


Stephanie ODea said...

lol, Holly! I'm so glad to be of any help for you and your family. I'm having a lot of fun with this project.

Amy said...

Salsa chicken. Easy peasy.

Boneless Skinless chicken breasts and a jar of salsa. Cook on low 8 hours. Ta da.

Or, taco junk. Pound of 'burger, can of black beans (rinsed), can of corn, can of Mexican tomatoes (Rotel) a pack of taco seasoning. Turn on low for the day. Serve in taco shells, or as nachos, or as a taco salad.

I LOVE the crock.

nancyrosetta said...

I need to use the crock pot more. I have had one since Christmas of last year, and have only used it a handful of times. I'll be checking out Steph the Crockpot lady, I need crockpot inspiration!

Amy, that easy taco junk sounds delish, the problem with that recipe to me, is the fact that I can probably make the same thing in the skillet in about 20 minutes. I am too hands on sometimes!

Holly said...

Squeeeeee! I feel famous with a comment from the crockpot lady herself! Ha! I think that it is fun that the most comments I get is on a crock pot post. It will change your life, girls.

I made the applesauce today because I had a bag of apples that weren't all that good for eating, but were perfect for cooking, and I felt good about not wasting them and gobbling up the applesauce. Yum. thanks for the recipes amy!