So, here's this really pretty yarn that I bought at the half off sale I mentioned a month or so ago. I would link to the post but really- you don't need me to. Things were on sale, I bought them. The end. So yeah, among my treasures was this terrific yarn, two skeins worth. Pretty, huh?
Anyway, two hundred something yards isn't good for much more than a scarf, and I thought that would be nice. It's lightweight enough to not be super hot, and the colors are fun. So I thought that a open looking, not really lacy, but lightweight, I have no idea how to describe it type thing might work. Three patterns later, I settled on this one:
I think I might hate it. I ended up casting on like 4 times for it because I read the pattern wrong because I am a moron, and just kept scratching my head like a stupid ogre because I hadn't put on my thinking cap. Well anyway, it is just not working up the way I want it to. The colors aren't doing exactly what I want and it makes me mad. What makes me maddest is that looking at the picture, I like it much more than in person.
Should I just take a picture of the scarf and wear that instead?
is that the wave pattern scarf?
it looks like your needles might be too big--just an amateur guess
look at this one
not sure what it would look like with multi colors
:: note to self ::
don't wear mom jeans around Holly
It's the Carolyn scarf, but i think the two are really similar.
I refuse to believe you even own Mom Jeans. I won't believe it and you can't make me.
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