Saturday, August 23, 2008

Things I Painted and A Point of Clarification- and a Maya Story Too

I painted these old ceiling tiles the other day during my surprise day off work. I think they look fantastic, and the color, which I acheived from mixing like 4 different colors layered on top of another color, is just right. they are going in my room. Originally there was a third, done in a rusty red, and it really just looked like dried blood or something, and so I am just going to stick with the two green panels.

Also a point of clarification based on Nancy's previous comment. The destashing is intense. This is true. And I am really consolidating, and it isn't as painful as I thought it would be. I am not getting rid of everything, but I am getting rid of a lot. But, you see, I am restashing. I am afraid that I am re-stashing in a different way, and buying it faster than I can use it. I want to try to quit that, but it's tough. Yarn is so pretty, and so is fabric. I swear, I just HATE having impeccable taste sometimes. It can be SUCH a burden.

Now, like the title suggests I have a Maya story for you- something I have not shared in quite some time. While I have come to realize that she may just be bat shit crazy, tonight she did demonstrate that there is a normal, obedient dog inside her. We are in the midst of a three day torrential downpour here, so my umbrella has taken up residence outside. When it is fully opened, but not held over my head (and thus out of her line of sight), it is terrifying to her. The more it hangs out on the porch, the more scared she gets. I guess she tells it to go away, and when it doesn't it scares her more, I dunno. Any way, she scrambled past me this evening to get away from The Umbrella of Doom and yanked her leash out of my hands. She ran all the way down the stairs, and took off down the street! I think that she was also spooked by the little canister of Poop Bags that hangs on her leash- it was dragging behind her. So I am then running after her terrified that she will get hit by a car and yell at her to SIT. I yelled it just like that, all big and bad. And she did! Right there in the road on the first try. She took off again, but when I told her to SIT AND STAY, she really did it! she sat right there in the middle of the road and waited for me to grab the leash and then off we went to the grassy place where we pee. Well, where she pees and I turn away and look for the moon so she can have the illusion of privacy. So yeah, proof of her training paying off and proof of her being a very good girl underneath all the anxiety.

And now, a picture of her in the tub, looking indignant. She hates baths, but loves being towel dried. Sorry it's blurry. I was giggling uncontrollably and couldn't use flash- it makes her eyes do the crazy thing they do with flash photos and she is far too sweet for that.


nancyrosetta said...

I am so proud of Maya for obeying you! Way to go Maya!

I love the ceiling tiles, what a great idea!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if someone hit her with a stick--that is why she is scared of the umbrella.