Thursday, December 25, 2008

If I Had Known You Would Be Stopping By, I Would've Put On Pants

Um, so ok.

I went on Google Analytics today and had a look at what's been going on here lately. As in, who is silly enough to read this nonsense and laugh at my fail projects, and where those people are. Yep, I seeeeeeee you! Well, sort of. You're orange dots on a map, and I know how long you are here, what brought you here, if you are sleeping or awake, and if you've been naughty or nice. Well, not all of that. But still, Google Analytics shows me that my suspicions were correct- people read this.

You fucking terrify me, readers. There, I said it.

I had a look at how the Magic of Google led a few of you here, and I gotta say: I'm SORRY. There was a poor visitor who typed in "awesome sewing" and got my blog. Don't worry, they didn't stay long. I would ask why, but I know that the answer is in posts like this. I had to laugh at that. Sorry that happened. Some other, uh, interesting search terms were "looking for god and finding no one's there" and I feel pretty sad about that. I am sorry that someone was looking most likely for answers to life's questions and wound up here. I mean, what does that say about me when someone goes to The Google and says "show me proof of the results for a search for God" and Google says to them, "Hey! Speaking of proof that there is no God, we have this girl Holly here and man! you should see some of the shit she has made lately!" Ouch. Then I felt better about the person who was looking for a "cat goes to the vet song" because that doesn't sound like the makings of a good song and they are probably better off here than somewhere else. Anyone who's anyone knows that you could very easily just write your own Cat Goes To The Vet Song. It's not rocket science, people.

So. Good thing I decided to tidy up around here, huh? Don't worry, I'm working on a hotsy totsy banner for the top too. It promises to be just like my typical style of anything I make up myself. Great in theory, but fatally flawed in every other sense.


Ricë said...

but those flaws = my very most favorite part.

nancyrosetta said...

Damn! I'm busted!

froghair said...

Holly, your post had me laughing out loud! I had just finished a practice GRE test and was feeling rather badly about my math skills (I suckity suck suck at math. always have.) and angry at standardized testing in general. Afterwards, I started laughing when I saw your post title and kept on laughing until the end. And boy, did I need it! Thanks!

merry un-christmas to you too, happy new year!

Anonymous said...

I have had some strange google search results too. What is making me laugh now is the letters that come up for word verification. Today it is
kind of phunky